The teams at work

Residential Learner Comment

By Benjamin Morgan - Monday, 20 June 2011, 10:18 AM
The Campsite we stayed at was a good campsite because it has a games room where we could chill out; the showers were of a good standard. The Field we stayed on was slanted but  not a major problem.
When we got there we had to set up tents and have our lunch , split into 3 groups and time to get a back packed for the rock climbing , we didn't know that it was rock climbing until we got there. The walk there was up and down hill, we walked back the same route.
We got plenty of time to chill out and have fun. The 2nd day was the big walk, the walk was up and down hill a lot but it was enjoyable. The walk back was the hardest as we had to climb the hill to the camp site. We had plenty of breaks at check points, some 10 mins long some less depending on the group. Overall it was a good day.
The Activities we did were Rock Climbing and Raft Building. The Rock Climbing was on the 15th, we walked there and back and got caught up in rain while going, I did not do the rock climbing but I took photographs of the event, the place where it happened seemed very good. The Raft building we did was on the 16th, this  wasn’t good as we only got about 10 mins in the water which wasn't enough time for the long walk we did.
Overall the 2 and half days was good, the only down side to it was the Raft Building as we only had about 10 mins actually on the water. I would recommend doing this again for the people who have chose the outdoor pathway for the 2nd year
Tutor Comment
The time allowed for the raft building activity was 2 hours; the groups spent a large proportion of this time creating their raft leaving little time on the water.
The aim of the residential was for each group to plan and complete an expedition, which we are pleased to announce everyone achieved. Additional activities Rock Climbing and Improvised Raft Building were put in place to break down the walking element. In addition the activities were utilised to provide evidence of group cohesion and working as a team, thus enabling enhanced grades for the Team Work assignment.

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